Republican Blames 'The Devil' For Immigration! "If you really want to blame someone for destroying the United States, point your finger at…Satan. Chairman Larsen "Satan’s apparent weapon of choice: Allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border"., originally uploaded by gailorenstein.
Republican Blames 'The Devil' For Immigration! "If you really want to blame someone for destroying the United States, point your finger at…Satan. Chairman Larsen "Satan’s apparent weapon of choice: Allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border".
photo-Gail orenstein-Utah Republican Blames 'The Devil' For Immigration
(KUTV / The Salt Lake Tribune) PROVO - Forget al Qaeda.
If you really want to blame someone for trying to destroy the United States, point the finger at… Satan?
The devil, Lucifer… whatever you want to call it, one Utah Republican says it is he who is trying to bring the USA down.
And Satan’s apparent weapon of choice: Allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border.
According to The Salt Lake Tribune, Utah County District 65 Chairman Don Larsen has submitted a formal resolution to oppose the devil’s plan to destroy the country -- to be discussed this weekend at the Utah County Republican Convention.
“In order for Satan to establish his ‘New World Order’ and destroy the freedom of all people as predicted in the scriptures, he must first destroy the U.S.,” Larsen’s resolution states. “[It is] insidious for its stealth and innocuousness.”
Larsen’s proposal to defeat Satan? Close the borders to illegal immigrants to “prevent the destruction of the U.S. by stealth invasion.”
Salt Lake Tribune: Utah Co. Republican says Satan is behind illegal immigration
Source link-http://kutv.com/local/local_story_116133225.html
Uploaded by gailorenstein on 28 Apr '07, 2.44am
Posted 7 hours ago. ( permalink )
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NickFun says: name reply / icon reply
I've always blamed the Statue of Liberty.
NY (SN) - President Bush announced today that the inscription on the Staue of Liberty will be changed in order to combat illegal immigration and terrorism. The inscription currently reads:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
The new inscription will read:
"Give me your well-rested, your wealthy,
Your elite few yearning to spend free,
The most fortunate of your hotel-dotted shore.
Send these, the ones with big mansions and expendable income to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door - Just make sure you fill out the proper paperwork"
"We have had too many immigrants and terrorists taking advantage of this inscription for far too long", Bush said in a prepared statement, "We will no longer tolerate these kinds of people coming to our great country, making messes and destroying our nation".
Newly appointed Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff said, "the inscription on the Statue is an open invitation to terrorists that it is OK to attack our country. I am proud to say that for the poor and evil the lamp has been extinguished and the golden door has been slammed shut".
Eduardo Aguirre Jr, who heads the Homeland Security Department's Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services gave some surpprising statistics.
"Between 2001 and 2004 we had 3,780,019 immigrants to this country. Of that 3,780,019, almost 90% of them were tired, whether from jet lag or whatever. Over 50% had incomes below $30,000 a year thus qualifying them as poor. Nearly 1/3 were huddled masses. Another 1/3 was wretched refuse from teeming shores. 785,000 were tempest-tossed. Among those tempest-tossed nearly 50% were also homeless! In other words, we are not getting the quality of immigrants this country so desperately needs and deserves. By changing the inscription on the Statue we have effectively told the world we don't want their scum, we don't need them and we won't take them!"
"The 9/11 terrorists were undoubtedly tempest-tossed", said Aguirre . "I suspect some of them were also wretched refuse of the teeming shores of the United Arab Emirates. If they had the money we would welcome them with open arms and let them buy up shipping ports but these terrorist guys are not in that league".
Some people interviewd were not as enthusiastic about the change to the Statue. Long Island businessman Joe Cabrera said, "granted, it doesn't mean anything anymore but it's got sentimental value. I think we should leave it alone".
Halliburton, Inc. will oversee the changes to the Statue. Expected costs for the Statue of Liberty modernization should be around $1.2 billion.
"That's a small price to pay for Freedom", said Halliburton spokesperson Dick Cheney.
Posted 7 hours ago. ( permalink )
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scampercom Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
My crazy uncle believes that toothpaste comes from mermaids.
Who cares? Irrelevant.
I blame the press for publishing non-stories. Sure, it's cute that District 65 is now allowing the mentally handicapped to be chairpeople, but when they start citing mythological beasties as the cause for modern ills, it's time to fit them with a bib, diapers, and safety helmet.
Posted 3 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Blue Cubic Electron Syncrony says: name reply / icon reply
what to say
well simple its obvios chastity holyness and faithfullness help lots !
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Blue Cubic Electron Syncrony says: name reply / icon reply
however i believe its Lifes Black Message in flowers
Lifes Black Message in flowers - Contrasts - RS
for without a hand reaching out
"reach out for the glove when you make love"
becouse infection is natured easyest way to prune those you love for sensitivity away when thy are vanerable to love
lifes biggest message
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
In my opinion.
All the political aids of the administration need to go for a psychology re-education.
I believe that with these aids are with Acquire Intelligents Deficiencies. they would not in the best position to serve the administration & Our Nation.
My observations after traveling so many countries in studying the truth about people, culture, history, food..etc. these can be on the ancient trans-emigration of Human kind &, animals & beings......etc. I see that the main issue on the immigration is due to:
1. The living enironments
2. The Economic situations
3. Social & Country unrest & War
4. The political oppressions & idealogy
5. Brain Drain
6. Low cost Labour exportation
7. Relationship emigration
8. Religion & believes
Now looking at the emigration pattern of Dinosaurs era, how a giant being moving from one place to the other without the invention of the passport control. Yet they could extinch just in one instances!!
Let looks at Mayan trides history, till today, no one could explain why overnight these race have been dis-appeared!!
Then lets look at the African wildflowers emigrating to California!!
The birds carry birds flu from Asia calling into America.
The earlymen;Mongolian ancesters travel east & north to North America & South America.
The earlymen, Mongolian ancesters travel North & west toward Indian continetal & Europe.
In my research on the trans-emigration before the 20th century. One common finding is that the "hardship" be it economy or political or religion!! With exception on those empire sending their convicts or political opponents oversea to America, Australia & New Zeland.
I always said in the podium that it is the imigrants that built a strong economy for the Nationa's they espire to call it their home land. Be it Human or animals even plants rather all beings.. have something in common that is hate to be rooted & start all over again with the unknown future.
You see when Margaret T in power, she change the imigrating system by stopping the coloney & commonwealth counties citizen from comming to UK for further study. Then I said that is very short sighted as, these young graduates in 20-30 years time would assume the countries leadership positions & Business as well.
These have proved today, some 3 years back an Asian Iron man said in his speech that if the time can turn back, he would come to USA to persue his studies & get his graduate degree as well!!
Now looking at the 4 little dragons, which country their economy are not excel by the immigrants or their decendants?? However, when the China door is opens up, suddently, they found their fortune in their countries are flown to China.
Looking at the high tech industry, you look at Intel founder & Ex-Chair he is from Eastern Europe. If one research into the success of the High Tech industries in US, you would discover more example of what the immigrants or immigrant descendants have contributed to the success of this great Nation they call it their home & motherland!!
Well they are many more may not make it big. However, contribute their own ways to survive in the land they call hom!!.
With the issue of Terrorists who come to our nation & create trouble & cause losses about life & money. That is not only happen on our homeland. You see they boombing our installations & Embassies & taking our citizen hostages in another friendly countries...etc.
These is actually a religious, racist & Psychological war.
In the 70's & 80's those incidents about hijacking the US planes, the boombing of old refineries & strategic installations. Those I still remember.
You see now the post 911, these terrorists have trumpant. As all of our citizens are living in fear. They have won a psychology war against us.
This is according to Sun Zi straegy, winning the war without loosing their resources. The electronic medias have help us to win over the Iran invasion of Kuwait.
But the Medias Have helping the terroists to win the psychological war against us.
Just imaging, we as a individual, no long can take any pictures in the public buildings & even nature of flowers & sunrise & sunset!! Even the Artistic "N" is not allowed!!
The Terrorists have won in the area of the Guerrilla Warfare by hit & run, But most critical is planted the enemy within the heart of all off us.
The key issues here, after knowing that the actual cause are:
1. Religious Power that Anti-American
2. The Polical Power of Anti-American
Then what we need to do to protect the interest of our citizens & the strategies to win the war against terrorists.
As the Guru's of Sun Zi Said:
"To Conquer & To Pacify People;
Go To The War To Stop The War!!
The administration may have implimented this part.
However, that is not the right things after all.
As Sun Zi Said:
To Win the War is not to loose a single Resources & Lives!!
for this strategies. My late Guru's Kong Ming have done it very well.
That is the best strategies in the Knowledgebase & e-Economy era!!
Stop blamning on anyone including God or Demon.
Hire right people to implement the right strategies to bring Peace & happiness to our people, our nation & resume the leadership of the world.
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