Flickrs new filtering sytem panders to Chinese censorship market? Reason for change-profits and Censorship? Yahoo annouces today launch of Chinese version of FLICKR-China censors online information it deems politically sensitive.Flickr expects ten-million, originally uploaded by Gail Orenstein.
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
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As I understand, China have their own filtering system on the Net. Nudes Art is not block in China. Pornographies Yes, is illegal, the offender can be sentence to death as I believe. If an US or European Union based company have been enlisted by China to work on the security & filtering system for China.
Alibaba is controling over the Yahoo China, in outside of China, it is not under the juridiction of China to Control over the Internet sensorship or news media security issue.
(China as a giant, they know that. China would never want to behave a giant bully a minor like what is happening here. It is also not their Culture & Moral value, For what I understand during my various talk at all level on Internet issue they said they have enough issues to work out then eating other people food!! or step into other foots!!)
If a foreigner or foreign company have been enlisted by China to work on the China interest,
Then that would be the interest of the US State Dept & Cocom to investigate & enforce the Nation & Home Land security of this nation.
The whole truth is on here, even you set it to Safe:off, the Systems team still can & have the authority to set in to whatever classification they like!!
I have contacts from all over including the free world that they cannot search for me on flickr search. Contatcs have written to flickr on these. But so what?? This is not new. These have been happening far before I conduct my research & study on Artsy Nudes on here say 6 weeks ago!!
The facts & truth is clear that the imperialism still rules!!
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