Flickr Aborts Gail's Orenstein's original site. Was it the Boobs or the politics?, originally uploaded by gailorenstein.
Flickr Aborts Gail's Orenstein's original site. Was it the Boobs or the politics?
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BillyWarhol Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
jesus christ*
i am livid*
oh mano*
I hope U had yer shit backed up Gail*
it was some of the Best + most enlightening Discussions ever on Flickr*
Hugs Sweetie* Billy xoxoxooooooooooooooo
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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jefray2006 says: name reply / icon reply
Thank you for coming back....the bastard are mad to delete you...
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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bodofotoz Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
Seems a consenting adult section is needed. Some things interest me, some don't, but it should be my decision to check it out, or not. No one forced me to read your work, I did because I wanted to. I can see kids need to be weeded out....but to just flip the switch, pull the cord, kill the site for politics, or whatever reason is one sided censorship.
Now if you were writing about say, Yahoo, which owns Flickr, and there stance on censorship concerning the State censorship on the internet, as in China, and such, and their lust for the almighty yen in the Chinese market, bet you'd been shut down a lot sooner. Flicker ain't no democracy. Then...what izit????
I will miss the freedom of speech Gail, and freedom of thought, and ones indivdual aspect of beauty and interests. You put a lot of work into this Flickr thing. I need to back my shit up. Not that it tests the proprietors censorship, but where does this stop? If they don't like ya...they terminate yer account?
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Manhattan Observer Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
I am so sorry Gail and you know how many of us spent countless hours debating each other. We all know there is no real Freedom of Speech in the US or elsewhere just an illusion of it.
Anyway, Your followers are loyal and will find you have no fear and I do hope you somehow kept track of all your contacts?
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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contopuser says: name reply / icon reply
This machine kills fascists.
Posted 79 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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daveinLV says: name reply / icon reply
First of all, I do lament to loss of your site, but you have to remember that flickr is a business---a BIG BUSINESS---especially since the purchase by Yahoo. Freedom of speech is an essential element of the US culture and you can have all you want on your own site. As a part of the big business cog, Flickr will attempt to silence anyone with an opinion contrary to the business of making money. Doesn't matter if it's liberal or conservative, if it detracts from their business, they'll shut you down. And you know what? They have the right to do that.
That said, I will protest to Flickr because I enjoyed to debate on your site. It was rarely personal and always interesting. I come from a more conservative point of view, but I always enjoyed the views of others, whether I agreed with them or not. And I can't see how debates like this or even a few boobs would mean that Flickr's business would be threatened.
So more power to you, Gail. I am going ot spread the word once again!!!
Posted 69 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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gailorenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
Well if Flickr is going to censor everyone's discourse and art based on their profit model its probably a good idea to get that information out to the public so they can decide as to the future of Flcikr.
Also I would point out your telephone company does not delete your phone conversations now does it, and blogger is owned by Google and does not engage in this kind of behaviour.
Posted 65 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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BillyWarhol Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
Seen on billiondollarbaloney.blogspot.com (?)
Posted 52 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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vangruvie Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
Puritanical Bush (the person) loving dictators!!!!!!! I'm with you Gail.
Posted 48 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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NickFun says: name reply / icon reply
I am outraged! I suspect it was he politics. Though our American government is also decidedly anti-tit.. Fuckr is not the only one cowering before an inflated, paranoid government.
You are not the only one being censored Gail. There is something rotten going on. For the second time in two years my Gmail password has been reset - that was today! I couldn't log on to get my email! In my case it's most probably the US government. They have investigated me before by tapping my email, changing the passcode on my phone - twice! - and Homeland Security under the guise of the FBI even investigated me once for something I had written.
We no longer live in a free society. Our rights are being eroded on a daily basis. "Free speech" has become an antiquated catch phrase. Personally, I don't mind speaking up. I wouldn't mind going to prison for it.
Flickr was once a bastion for free speech. It has since been purchased by a huge conglomerate that no longer respects anything more than its bottom line. "Don't make waves" seems to be the phrase of the day.
Posted 38 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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www.DaveWard.net Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
I don't think it was the politics at all. I'm very sure it was the breasts. Americans are, in general, terribly puritanical and repressed. Tits scare the hell out of most Americans. While we've a tendency to talk tough about terrorism, an exposed nipple sends us screaming in terror.
The fear of sexuality is even more intense when it comes to American businesses. Oh no! Somebody posted a photo that shows a bare breast on the Internet using our company's servers! Oh, goodness! What are we ever to do?
American companies are complete fucking COWARDS about sexuality. Seriously, utter pussies. They're terrified of mammary glands and natural human reproductive systems.
'Cos, you know, mammary glands are such a huge threat, right?
Flickr is dedicated to winning the War On Genitalia.
Posted 22 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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film noir anti-hero Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
I have been enjoying your photo postings. I am sorry you were deleted, Ms. Orenstein. My understanding of the policy is that you must tag your stuff if it has content so it cannot be seen by those who have left their filters up. If you do not tag after being asked to, you are nipsa'd, which means all your work is tagged to be filtered, regardless of content. So, did you tag? If not, why weren't you just nipsa'd? This is the first I've heard of someone being deleted.
Posted 7 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
I am Sorry Gail.
These should not happen.
Perhaps again "The System Issues"!!
Look just after Sept 25, 2005 my account have been re-instated after 20 hours of suspension. Because I have too many contacts within 5 months!!
Call me a liar!! the gangsters using FXXX to me & my daughter; openly said there is no human rights for me, no freedom; no respect of individual; they vote me out!! There is not demoncracy for me......
I swallow.... Then my account continue to be NIPSA , I not even aware of such term till Mar 8, Billy told me about the term.
But I did get feedback from contacts & friends that they cannot search for me on flickr & my contacts have been deleted by the "System".
Mar 4th , 2007 is the 1st time I use Artsy Nudes & is is a sihoulette of the back of the pic, but I am served a warning email saying I post frontal Nudes & expose genital.....
I have been grown up in the Ironman hand from baby time, when I return to Asia, my artsy nudes books were confiscated at the custom,
Even I appeal to the Minister of Art & his boss - the Ironman , I still cannot get back the manuals. As the custom officers already cover their track.
Although as a American now, I am still live my the habbits & fear, also the principle of against porn & exposing genital part taking a deep roots into me. Therefore, I have not post such pics on the internet nor promoting otherwise.
So the culture & facts is clear & deep in the conscious & sub-conscious mind!!
One thing I am sure the Legend Guru Said:
If one going to find a bone in a Tofu, it can be done so!!
Another saying is:
Hatred is Created by person.
There is a Loaner & There is a Borrower.
So once you understand the wisdom then you understand that the real reason & the being behind.
In the contacts of here, we are just a sub-domain under the provider of the services.
The events happening is just a nature of Gurus' wisdom revisited in our life time.
We shall be re-examing ourself & the future like the water than the rock!!
May I qoute Lao Zi Say:
The most Peaceful & honest things is Water!!
My apologist for saying to much here & I am sorry about the situation we are in!!
Posted 6 minutes ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
I featured this on
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