Saturday, April 28, 2007

Republican Blames 'The Devil' For Immigration! "If you really want to blame someone for destroying the United States, point your finger at…Satan. Chairman Larsen "Satan’s apparent weapon of choice: Allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border".

Republican Blames 'The Devil' For Immigration! "If you really want to blame someone for destroying the United States, point your finger at…Satan. Chairman Larsen "Satan’s apparent weapon of choice: Allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border".

photo-Gail orenstein-Utah Republican Blames 'The Devil' For Immigration
(KUTV / The Salt Lake Tribune) PROVO - Forget al Qaeda.

If you really want to blame someone for trying to destroy the United States, point the finger at… Satan?

The devil, Lucifer… whatever you want to call it, one Utah Republican says it is he who is trying to bring the USA down.

And Satan’s apparent weapon of choice: Allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border.

According to The Salt Lake Tribune, Utah County District 65 Chairman Don Larsen has submitted a formal resolution to oppose the devil’s plan to destroy the country -- to be discussed this weekend at the Utah County Republican Convention.

“In order for Satan to establish his ‘New World Order’ and destroy the freedom of all people as predicted in the scriptures, he must first destroy the U.S.,” Larsen’s resolution states. “[It is] insidious for its stealth and innocuousness.”

Larsen’s proposal to defeat Satan? Close the borders to illegal immigrants to “prevent the destruction of the U.S. by stealth invasion.”

Salt Lake Tribune: Utah Co. Republican says Satan is behind illegal immigration

Source link-

Uploaded by gailorenstein on 28 Apr '07, 2.44am


Posted 7 hours ago. ( permalink )
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NickFun says: name reply / icon reply

I've always blamed the Statue of Liberty.

NY (SN) - President Bush announced today that the inscription on the Staue of Liberty will be changed in order to combat illegal immigration and terrorism. The inscription currently reads:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

The new inscription will read:

"Give me your well-rested, your wealthy,
Your elite few yearning to spend free,
The most fortunate of your hotel-dotted shore.
Send these, the ones with big mansions and expendable income to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door - Just make sure you fill out the proper paperwork"

"We have had too many immigrants and terrorists taking advantage of this inscription for far too long", Bush said in a prepared statement, "We will no longer tolerate these kinds of people coming to our great country, making messes and destroying our nation".

Newly appointed Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff said, "the inscription on the Statue is an open invitation to terrorists that it is OK to attack our country. I am proud to say that for the poor and evil the lamp has been extinguished and the golden door has been slammed shut".

Eduardo Aguirre Jr, who heads the Homeland Security Department's Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services gave some surpprising statistics.

"Between 2001 and 2004 we had 3,780,019 immigrants to this country. Of that 3,780,019, almost 90% of them were tired, whether from jet lag or whatever. Over 50% had incomes below $30,000 a year thus qualifying them as poor. Nearly 1/3 were huddled masses. Another 1/3 was wretched refuse from teeming shores. 785,000 were tempest-tossed. Among those tempest-tossed nearly 50% were also homeless! In other words, we are not getting the quality of immigrants this country so desperately needs and deserves. By changing the inscription on the Statue we have effectively told the world we don't want their scum, we don't need them and we won't take them!"

"The 9/11 terrorists were undoubtedly tempest-tossed", said Aguirre . "I suspect some of them were also wretched refuse of the teeming shores of the United Arab Emirates. If they had the money we would welcome them with open arms and let them buy up shipping ports but these terrorist guys are not in that league".

Some people interviewd were not as enthusiastic about the change to the Statue. Long Island businessman Joe Cabrera said, "granted, it doesn't mean anything anymore but it's got sentimental value. I think we should leave it alone".

Halliburton, Inc. will oversee the changes to the Statue. Expected costs for the Statue of Liberty modernization should be around $1.2 billion.

"That's a small price to pay for Freedom", said Halliburton spokesperson Dick Cheney.
Posted 7 hours ago. ( permalink )
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scampercom Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

My crazy uncle believes that toothpaste comes from mermaids.

Who cares? Irrelevant.

I blame the press for publishing non-stories. Sure, it's cute that District 65 is now allowing the mentally handicapped to be chairpeople, but when they start citing mythological beasties as the cause for modern ills, it's time to fit them with a bib, diapers, and safety helmet.
Posted 3 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Blue Cubic Electron Syncrony says: name reply / icon reply

what to say

well simple its obvios chastity holyness and faithfullness help lots !
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Blue Cubic Electron Syncrony says: name reply / icon reply

however i believe its Lifes Black Message in flowers
Lifes Black Message in flowers - Contrasts - RS

for without a hand reaching out

"reach out for the glove when you make love"

becouse infection is natured easyest way to prune those you love for sensitivity away when thy are vanerable to love

lifes biggest message
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply

In my opinion.

All the political aids of the administration need to go for a psychology re-education.

I believe that with these aids are with Acquire Intelligents Deficiencies. they would not in the best position to serve the administration & Our Nation.

My observations after traveling so many countries in studying the truth about people, culture, history, food..etc. these can be on the ancient trans-emigration of Human kind &, animals & beings......etc. I see that the main issue on the immigration is due to:

1. The living enironments

2. The Economic situations

3. Social & Country unrest & War

4. The political oppressions & idealogy

5. Brain Drain

6. Low cost Labour exportation

7. Relationship emigration

8. Religion & believes

Now looking at the emigration pattern of Dinosaurs era, how a giant being moving from one place to the other without the invention of the passport control. Yet they could extinch just in one instances!!

Let looks at Mayan trides history, till today, no one could explain why overnight these race have been dis-appeared!!

Then lets look at the African wildflowers emigrating to California!!

The birds carry birds flu from Asia calling into America.

The earlymen;Mongolian ancesters travel east & north to North America & South America.

The earlymen, Mongolian ancesters travel North & west toward Indian continetal & Europe.

In my research on the trans-emigration before the 20th century. One common finding is that the "hardship" be it economy or political or religion!! With exception on those empire sending their convicts or political opponents oversea to America, Australia & New Zeland.

I always said in the podium that it is the imigrants that built a strong economy for the Nationa's they espire to call it their home land. Be it Human or animals even plants rather all beings.. have something in common that is hate to be rooted & start all over again with the unknown future.

You see when Margaret T in power, she change the imigrating system by stopping the coloney & commonwealth counties citizen from comming to UK for further study. Then I said that is very short sighted as, these young graduates in 20-30 years time would assume the countries leadership positions & Business as well.

These have proved today, some 3 years back an Asian Iron man said in his speech that if the time can turn back, he would come to USA to persue his studies & get his graduate degree as well!!

Now looking at the 4 little dragons, which country their economy are not excel by the immigrants or their decendants?? However, when the China door is opens up, suddently, they found their fortune in their countries are flown to China.

Looking at the high tech industry, you look at Intel founder & Ex-Chair he is from Eastern Europe. If one research into the success of the High Tech industries in US, you would discover more example of what the immigrants or immigrant descendants have contributed to the success of this great Nation they call it their home & motherland!!

Well they are many more may not make it big. However, contribute their own ways to survive in the land they call hom!!.

With the issue of Terrorists who come to our nation & create trouble & cause losses about life & money. That is not only happen on our homeland. You see they boombing our installations & Embassies & taking our citizen hostages in another friendly countries...etc.

These is actually a religious, racist & Psychological war.

In the 70's & 80's those incidents about hijacking the US planes, the boombing of old refineries & strategic installations. Those I still remember.

You see now the post 911, these terrorists have trumpant. As all of our citizens are living in fear. They have won a psychology war against us.

This is according to Sun Zi straegy, winning the war without loosing their resources. The electronic medias have help us to win over the Iran invasion of Kuwait.

But the Medias Have helping the terroists to win the psychological war against us.

Just imaging, we as a individual, no long can take any pictures in the public buildings & even nature of flowers & sunrise & sunset!! Even the Artistic "N" is not allowed!!

The Terrorists have won in the area of the Guerrilla Warfare by hit & run, But most critical is planted the enemy within the heart of all off us.

The key issues here, after knowing that the actual cause are:

1. Religious Power that Anti-American

2. The Polical Power of Anti-American

Then what we need to do to protect the interest of our citizens & the strategies to win the war against terrorists.

As the Guru's of Sun Zi Said:

"To Conquer & To Pacify People;

Go To The War To Stop The War!!

The administration may have implimented this part.

However, that is not the right things after all.

As Sun Zi Said:

To Win the War is not to loose a single Resources & Lives!!

for this strategies. My late Guru's Kong Ming have done it very well.

That is the best strategies in the Knowledgebase & e-Economy era!!

Stop blamning on anyone including God or Demon.

Hire right people to implement the right strategies to bring Peace & happiness to our people, our nation & resume the leadership of the world.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Russia prepares for Boris Yeltsins funeral!! Former Soviet President

Russia prepares for Boris Yeltsins funeral!! Former Soviet President Gorbachev said Monday: "I express my deep condolences to the family of the departed. He did a lot for this country, even though he committed serious errors. A tragic fate."

Photo-Gail orenstein. MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- Tributes are pouring in from current and former world leaders for former Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Yeltsin died at the age of 76, the Kremlin said on Monday.

Yeltsin, who had suffered health problems since resigning from office on December 31, 1999, suffered sudden heart failure, medical sources told Russia's Interfax news agency.

The Kremlin said his funeral would take place amid a day of national mourning on Wednesday, The Associated Press reported.

Yeltsin became the first democratically elected president of Russia in 1991 and two months later put down a coup attempt against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. (Gallery)

Russia's first freely elected president, Yeltsin is being remembered as a courageous fighter for democracy -- and sometimes quirky behavior. (Full story)

Former Soviet President Gorbachev said Monday: "I express my deep condolences to the family of the departed. He did a lot for this country, even though he committed serious errors. A tragic fate."

Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom Yeltsin nominated as his successor, has called Yeltsin's widow, Naina, to express his condolences, Interfax reported.

One of the images most associated with Yeltsin is that of him sitting on a tank during the raucous street rallies that marked the coup attempt.

"I think that is the image that he would like people to have forever," former Yeltsin adviser Alexander Nekrassov told CNN Monday.

But just two years later, he ordered tanks to storm the Russian White House to oust barricaded deputies who dug in after Yeltsin dissolved parliament, accusing it of blocking reforms. (Full story)

In a later interview, Gorbachev accused Yeltsin of "trampling on democracy."

Yeltsin was both loved and hated by fellow Russians, said Matthew Chance, CNN's senior international correspondent in Moscow. (Watch why Yeltsin's legacy is likely to be mixed )

"[Many] Russians who lived under his power didn't think much of him," Chance said.

A large part of the population blamed him for the overall demise of Russia, Chance said.

In December 1994, Yeltsin sent tanks to stop the fighting in Chechnya in what would become a 21-month conflict. Later he said he couldn't tolerate the "disintegration of Russia," and acknowledged his actions might have been a mistake.

"I feel the pain of every mother's family," Yeltsin said. "My heart bleeds for every victim. It makes me sleepless at night, and no one can help me with that."

Chance said Yeltsin talked about the war in Chechnya as his biggest regret adding that Yeltsin said he felt responsible for the deaths of the Russian soldiers in Chechnya.

Other people remember the more positive aspects of Yeltsin's reign. He played a large part in the demise of the Soviet Union and promoted democratic reform in Russia.

While he was an ideological man who took positive steps to reform his country, Chance said Yeltsin was an inconsistent reformer.

"He was a totally imperfect statesman and certainly had many failings," Chance said.

Yeltsin favored privatization, but sweeping corruption put the vast majority of wealth in the hands of a few individuals who "wielded enormous political power." Chance said this upset and angered many Russians who were left with nothing.

Yeltsin's image on the international stage was very different, said CNN's Jill Dougherty, who served as the network's Moscow bureau chief during Yeltsin's presidency.

Dougherty said everything about Yeltsin was larger than life.

"He was oversized, he was huge, everything about him -- he was physically a giant, a big-barrel chest of complete charisma," she said. "When you met him or were around him he was absolutely charismatic."

While Yeltsin may have been a failed statesman, Dougherty said he had a unique ability to connect with people.

"He was able to -- in the late 1980s, early 1990s -- tap into something that was afoot in Russia. He was able to emotionally connect with people in a way few politicians have ever been able to do."

From Washington, President Bush and first lady Laura Bush also offered their sympathies. "President Yeltsin was an historic figure who served his country during a time of momentous change," Bush said in a written statement.

"He played a key role as the Soviet Union dissolved, helped lay the foundations of freedom in Russia and became the first democratically elected leader in that country's history.

"We offer our sincerest condolences to the Yeltsin family and to the Russian people," the president said.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed sadness at Yeltsin's death.

"He was a remarkable man who saw the need for democratic and economic reform and in defending it played a vital role at a crucial time in Russia's history," Blair said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel described Yeltsin as a "brave fighter."

"Boris Yeltsin was a great personality in both Russian and international politics, a brave fighter for democracy and freedom and a true friend of Germany. His contribution to the development of our relations between our two nations will never be forgotten. We will honor him in our thoughts." (World reacts to Yeltsin's death)

Yeltsin had a darker side as well that included embarrassing incidents in which he appeared to be drunk. In Berlin in 1994, he grabbed a baton from a conductor and tried to direct an orchestra while singing and stumbling.


Uploaded by gailorenstein on 24 Apr '07, 3.59am PDT.

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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply

As Gotama Said:

From The Day of Birth;

Every one is Certainly Going Through




No one can escape such noble truth!!

A Great man for his own Nation also much Die.

Wish him

Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin
Борис Николаевич Ельцин

rebirth in the higher plane.

Peace........Peace........... Peace.................
Posted 2 seconds ago

Monday, April 23, 2007

Flickr Aborts Gail's Orenstein's original site. Was it the Boobs or the politics?

Flickr Aborts Gail's Orenstein's original site. Was it the Boobs or the politics?

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BillyWarhol Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

jesus christ*

i am livid*

oh mano*

I hope U had yer shit backed up Gail*

it was some of the Best + most enlightening Discussions ever on Flickr*

Hugs Sweetie* Billy xoxoxooooooooooooooo

Seen on your photo stream. (?)
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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jefray2006 says: name reply / icon reply

Thank you for coming back....the bastard are mad to delete you...
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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bodofotoz Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Seems a consenting adult section is needed. Some things interest me, some don't, but it should be my decision to check it out, or not. No one forced me to read your work, I did because I wanted to. I can see kids need to be weeded out....but to just flip the switch, pull the cord, kill the site for politics, or whatever reason is one sided censorship.

Now if you were writing about say, Yahoo, which owns Flickr, and there stance on censorship concerning the State censorship on the internet, as in China, and such, and their lust for the almighty yen in the Chinese market, bet you'd been shut down a lot sooner. Flicker ain't no democracy. Then...what izit????

I will miss the freedom of speech Gail, and freedom of thought, and ones indivdual aspect of beauty and interests. You put a lot of work into this Flickr thing. I need to back my shit up. Not that it tests the proprietors censorship, but where does this stop? If they don't like ya...they terminate yer account?
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Manhattan Observer Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

I am so sorry Gail and you know how many of us spent countless hours debating each other. We all know there is no real Freedom of Speech in the US or elsewhere just an illusion of it.

Anyway, Your followers are loyal and will find you have no fear and I do hope you somehow kept track of all your contacts?
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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contopuser says: name reply / icon reply

This machine kills fascists.
Posted 79 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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daveinLV says: name reply / icon reply

First of all, I do lament to loss of your site, but you have to remember that flickr is a business---a BIG BUSINESS---especially since the purchase by Yahoo. Freedom of speech is an essential element of the US culture and you can have all you want on your own site. As a part of the big business cog, Flickr will attempt to silence anyone with an opinion contrary to the business of making money. Doesn't matter if it's liberal or conservative, if it detracts from their business, they'll shut you down. And you know what? They have the right to do that.

That said, I will protest to Flickr because I enjoyed to debate on your site. It was rarely personal and always interesting. I come from a more conservative point of view, but I always enjoyed the views of others, whether I agreed with them or not. And I can't see how debates like this or even a few boobs would mean that Flickr's business would be threatened.

So more power to you, Gail. I am going ot spread the word once again!!!
Posted 69 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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gailorenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply


Well if Flickr is going to censor everyone's discourse and art based on their profit model its probably a good idea to get that information out to the public so they can decide as to the future of Flcikr.

Also I would point out your telephone company does not delete your phone conversations now does it, and blogger is owned by Google and does not engage in this kind of behaviour.
Posted 65 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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BillyWarhol Pro User says: name reply / icon reply



Seen on (?)
Posted 52 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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vangruvie Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Puritanical Bush (the person) loving dictators!!!!!!! I'm with you Gail.
Posted 48 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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NickFun says: name reply / icon reply

I am outraged! I suspect it was he politics. Though our American government is also decidedly anti-tit.. Fuckr is not the only one cowering before an inflated, paranoid government.

You are not the only one being censored Gail. There is something rotten going on. For the second time in two years my Gmail password has been reset - that was today! I couldn't log on to get my email! In my case it's most probably the US government. They have investigated me before by tapping my email, changing the passcode on my phone - twice! - and Homeland Security under the guise of the FBI even investigated me once for something I had written.

We no longer live in a free society. Our rights are being eroded on a daily basis. "Free speech" has become an antiquated catch phrase. Personally, I don't mind speaking up. I wouldn't mind going to prison for it.

Flickr was once a bastion for free speech. It has since been purchased by a huge conglomerate that no longer respects anything more than its bottom line. "Don't make waves" seems to be the phrase of the day.

Posted 38 minutes ago. ( permalink )
view profile Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

I don't think it was the politics at all. I'm very sure it was the breasts. Americans are, in general, terribly puritanical and repressed. Tits scare the hell out of most Americans. While we've a tendency to talk tough about terrorism, an exposed nipple sends us screaming in terror.

The fear of sexuality is even more intense when it comes to American businesses. Oh no! Somebody posted a photo that shows a bare breast on the Internet using our company's servers! Oh, goodness! What are we ever to do?

American companies are complete fucking COWARDS about sexuality. Seriously, utter pussies. They're terrified of mammary glands and natural human reproductive systems.

'Cos, you know, mammary glands are such a huge threat, right?

Flickr is dedicated to winning the War On Genitalia.
Posted 22 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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film noir anti-hero Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

I have been enjoying your photo postings. I am sorry you were deleted, Ms. Orenstein. My understanding of the policy is that you must tag your stuff if it has content so it cannot be seen by those who have left their filters up. If you do not tag after being asked to, you are nipsa'd, which means all your work is tagged to be filtered, regardless of content. So, did you tag? If not, why weren't you just nipsa'd? This is the first I've heard of someone being deleted.
Posted 7 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply


I am Sorry Gail.

These should not happen.

Perhaps again "The System Issues"!!

Look just after Sept 25, 2005 my account have been re-instated after 20 hours of suspension. Because I have too many contacts within 5 months!!

Call me a liar!! the gangsters using FXXX to me & my daughter; openly said there is no human rights for me, no freedom; no respect of individual; they vote me out!! There is not demoncracy for me......

I swallow.... Then my account continue to be NIPSA , I not even aware of such term till Mar 8, Billy told me about the term.

But I did get feedback from contacts & friends that they cannot search for me on flickr & my contacts have been deleted by the "System".

Mar 4th , 2007 is the 1st time I use Artsy Nudes & is is a sihoulette of the back of the pic, but I am served a warning email saying I post frontal Nudes & expose genital.....

I have been grown up in the Ironman hand from baby time, when I return to Asia, my artsy nudes books were confiscated at the custom,
Even I appeal to the Minister of Art & his boss - the Ironman , I still cannot get back the manuals. As the custom officers already cover their track.

Although as a American now, I am still live my the habbits & fear, also the principle of against porn & exposing genital part taking a deep roots into me. Therefore, I have not post such pics on the internet nor promoting otherwise.

So the culture & facts is clear & deep in the conscious & sub-conscious mind!!

One thing I am sure the Legend Guru Said:

If one going to find a bone in a Tofu, it can be done so!!

Another saying is:

Hatred is Created by person.

There is a Loaner & There is a Borrower.

So once you understand the wisdom then you understand that the real reason & the being behind.

In the contacts of here, we are just a sub-domain under the provider of the services.

The events happening is just a nature of Gurus' wisdom revisited in our life time.

We shall be re-examing ourself & the future like the water than the rock!!

May I qoute Lao Zi Say:

The most Peaceful & honest things is Water!!

My apologist for saying to much here & I am sorry about the situation we are in!!

Posted 6 minutes ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply

I featured this on


Friday, April 13, 2007

China begins purge on Internet porn!! "Strip shows, images, stories, audio, video. ‘This pervion corrupts China's young minds" says Chinese government

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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply

Chinese Internet population hits 137m PDF Print E-mail
By Alex Zaharov-Reutt
Wednesday, 24 January 2007
That leaves over 1.1b Chinese offline, but figures have grown an impressive 23.4% in the last year, now reaching 10.5% of the Chinese population.

Related stories

* adds content management to SaaS lineup
* Yahoo's Alpha in beta
* Firefox goes social with The Coop
* MySpace debut for Eisner's Prom Queen
* Old media "YouTube killers" just don't get it

The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) has published its 19th report (although unavailable at the English version of the website at the time of writing), announcing a big jump in Chinese Internet users, according to Reuters and Cnet.

Actually the un official number could be even more. I am told by end of Dec 2006, China already over took US as Number 1 internet population in the world.

When I visit the mountain logs area un rural China. I am surprising to find that there are computer center & internet cafe. In 2005, when I visit the same area, there isn't any computer there!!

From my research & up bring in, Chinese culture is not to eat other people bowl of rice.

The Legend Teaching is:

" Just clean up your own front yard snow,

Never border about other Ice on their neighbour roof!!"


remark is exactly the requirement on China for Many thousand years.

You see Marco Polo is the great embassador of the west on the trade, he is the advisor to Gengiskhan, he trades the culture & technology at both end. But he never put rules on China!!

Looking back into the end of the last China imperialism era, those 8 Nations attempt to colonized China , Japanese Invasion, Soviet Union Communist International attempts to control over China all failed!!

Looking at 1977 the War "To Teach North Vietnam" a lesson!! That exactly exhibited China did use the Sun Zi Art of War strategy. As well as behave as a big brother of North Vietnam then.

In the Chinese culture, they know what is the family affair & what is external. I believe the leaders there know how to treat friends & allies nice. So that they have the life boat when they call the term ended!!

They do know that as a big country if they don't behave like what they suppose to conduct then with the internet technology & the international pressure they would cannot be a bully. It is the Chinese family teaching for the 6,XXX years of civilization that one should be behave more on the "Yin" & take losses then be a aggressor. That is Chinese people call Virtue.

Although there might be some hawks may attempt to flex the power. But as the

Dao of Nature.

Nothing is Permanant!!

Birth & Death is just in a Cycle!!

- Gotama

The above is my additional comments on my understanding of Chinese Culture....

Additional reading:

Power Play - My Account Moderated

MyAccountModerated, originally uploaded by CharlieBrown8989.


Thanks Phil

Just to let you know. I have Mentioned the "Study & Research" into the flickr members view rates & behavioural science from Mar 08, 2007.

I have announce & written to the flickr team that I would not post the Nudes shot here & would be on

However, it is oneway traffic.

Even before I did my research, I already recorded the membership profiling & stalking on my account.

I have contacts from all over telling me that they are unable to search for me.

The contacts numbers appeared in fd flickr toys shown that I have over 10,XXX contacts, whereas, in flickr inspector it show 958.

I have not reciprocate any contacts sign me up unless I am going to write a testimonial for them.

I have not use flickr mail to invite anyone to joint groups.

I requested the team to delete those dead members on their database. But ......

These are the hard facts to be known.

I help members without asking for any returns.

Somehow, Imperialism still alive!!

They exist a god & goddess that decide the live of member's.

Thank you once again for your visit & encouragement!!
Posted 19 minutes ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply

I have declaired & shown on my post on my research with regards to flickr.

I always say good about flickr is still the best. I never take side.

By blocking people to viewing mysite before Mar 8, 2007 (which I start to use Artsy Nudes to conduct my research.)

As a person grown up in the environments that run by the Ironman, I am certainly know what is porn what is Art!!

I don't envy people who become milions & billions in the cyber space. I alway congratulate them & wish them well.

It is unbelieveable that in the land of freedom, while doing good course in my ownway, yet I have been continue facing the various high handed treatments.

As a American, I vow to defend my rights & my Nation Constitutions.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Flickrs new filtering sytem panders to Chinese censorship market? Reason for change-profits and Censorship? Yahoo annouces today launch of Chinese version of FLICKR-China censors online information it deems politically sensitive.Flickr expects ten-million

photo added to the group.
Posted 31 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply


"Your account has been reviewed as moderate by Flickr staff. (What does that mean?)

CharlieBrown8989's Most Interesting Images for 21 Months On flickr

The following Image Explain About the View Rates"

CharlieBrown8989's Most Viewed Images for 24 Months On flickr

As I understand, China have their own filtering system on the Net. Nudes Art is not block in China. Pornographies Yes, is illegal, the offender can be sentence to death as I believe. If an US or European Union based company have been enlisted by China to work on the security & filtering system for China.

Alibaba is controling over the Yahoo China, in outside of China, it is not under the juridiction of China to Control over the Internet sensorship or news media security issue.

(China as a giant, they know that. China would never want to behave a giant bully a minor like what is happening here. It is also not their Culture & Moral value, For what I understand during my various talk at all level on Internet issue they said they have enough issues to work out then eating other people food!! or step into other foots!!)

If a foreigner or foreign company have been enlisted by China to work on the China interest,

Then that would be the interest of the US State Dept & Cocom to investigate & enforce the Nation & Home Land security of this nation.

The whole truth is on here, even you set it to Safe:off, the Systems team still can & have the authority to set in to whatever classification they like!!

I have contacts from all over including the free world that they cannot search for me on flickr search. Contatcs have written to flickr on these. But so what?? This is not new. These have been happening far before I conduct my research & study on Artsy Nudes on here say 6 weeks ago!!

The facts & truth is clear that the imperialism still rules!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Flickrs new filtering system panders to Chinese censorship market? Reason for change-profits and Censorship? Yahoo annouces today launch of Chinese version of FLICKR-China censors online information it deems politically sensitive.Flickr expects ten-million

This is the article that from my friend Gail!!

These are the comments:

ahoo to launch Chinese version of photo site
Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:35 AM BST
Email This Article | Print This Article | RSS [-] Text [+] By Sophie Taylor

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Yahoo said on Friday it plans to launch a Chinese language version of its popular photo-sharing site this year to tap demand from Chinese digital photo enthusiasts.

The development comes as Sunnyvale, California-headquartered Yahoo tries to localise and expand its services -- such as bookmark-sharing site, Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Groups -- that centre on user-generated contributions.

"The HK traditional Chinese interface of Flickr will be available later this year," a Hong Kong-based spokeswoman said in an email to Reuters.

Online services, such as Flickr, Shutterfly Inc., Eastman Kodak's EasyShare Gallery and Hewlett-Packard's Snapfish, lets users load digital pictures online, where they can be edited, shared with others, printed and mailed.

The new Web site will target Hong Kong users and will offer all the core features currently available on the English platform, spokeswoman Pauline Wong said, without elaborating.

While the traditional version of written Chinese is widely used in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the simplified version of the script is the standard in mainland China. However, most mainland Chinese are able to read traditional Chinese, and vice versa.

After targeting Hong Kong consumers, Flickr's Chinese site will also focus on the Taiwan market, the spokeswoman said, but declined to elaborate on the mainland Chinese market. Yahoo's China business was absorbed by the country's leading e-commerce company, Alibaba, in 2005. Yahoo also bought a 40 percent stake in Alibaba.

And while Beijing routinely censors online information it deems politically sensitive, Flickr -- which has reportedly been blocked in United Arab Emirates -- remains accessible in China, the world's second-largest Internet market after the United States, with around 137 million Web users.

In 2006, Yahoo China had a 9 percent share of China's online photo-sharing market, according to consultancy iResearch. Inc. took the largest share with 43.4 percent followed by with a 33.9 percent share, though other media companies such as Sina Corp. are fast catching up, iResearch said in a report.

China will have around 10 million new users of online photo-sharing services annually over the next few years. Most photo-sharing Web sites are still free of charge as they explore different profit avenues.

Flickr said in a posting on its Web log ( last month that it was looking to hire translators from among its members to develop non-English language versions of the service.

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DrQ2 Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Aaaah..... So thats how you do it. How silly

Q x
Posted 14 hours ago. ( permalink )
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doppeltbelichtet Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Gail- I just got uncensored, after being NIPSA'd by flickr for 11 month of pro account flickring....

It's sad, mankind isn't allowed to consider for itsself, what we look at or not...
Not every photo of a naked body is porn, but most of them here are art and should be viewed by the public.
Everyone can choose for him/herself, if its appropiate or not, I guess.

Thanks for making this an issue widely recognized at flickr!
Posted 14 hours ago. ( permalink )
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loupiote (Old Skool) Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

no surprise there.

i even predicted this 2 weeks ago:
Posted 13 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Gail Orenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

@old skool

You were on the threads supporting this originally and you were an original champion of the system old skool. Don't be a hypocrite. You were kissing the flick admins asses and you know it-

How convenient you were ripping into us when we asserted from day one on those thread this the new filtering system was not for the good of the community but for the emerging market place and at our expense of censorship-that is what the filtering system really meant!
Posted 13 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Gail Orenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

In fact you and your posse came after me advocating this fucking thing-now that the cat is out of the bag and we can clearly see what the filtering system was for your a critic?

i would not mind it so much but since you busted mine and Roberts balls being a champion of it with your policing posse- I find it hard to digest you coming on here as if you did not kiss the systems ass when it first came out-

Just be honest at least!

you did not see it for what it was in the beginning and slammed any critic that did see it!
Posted 13 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Gail Orenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

This group I am sure you and your policing posse patroled and it was diabled!!!!!!

I just tried to add this pic to it!!!!!!!!

"Adding photos to PROTEST THE NEW COMMUNITY GUIDELINES has been disabled."

This was a forum that was set up when the filtering system came out-it was disabled because they saw the filtering system for what it is-not to " better the good of the flickr community"-but for profits, which is fine but lets just be honest about it-

Flickr claims it was to starve off Porn which, is bullshit-I have logged in at 3 internet cafes using different names and I was able to hit the porn site within 3 minutes. It did not ask my age or anything.
Posted 13 hours ago. ( permalink )
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AnomalousNYC Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Yahoo sucks.
Posted 11 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Traces in the Sand Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Well, I guess this is an acclimatisation for our long future as pawns of the Chinese government.

One of these days we'll wake up and the "Tibet" will be missing from the Encyclopedia Britannica, and "dissent" will be absent from the Oxford English Dictionary.

Thank you Yahoo, you spineless goons.
Posted 11 hours ago. ( permalink )
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BillyWarhol Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Twits n Hypocrites*

altho I agree with the New Filter System in that it Gives People the all Important CHOICE to decide what they wanna View*

the Problem is even tho U or i may have hundreds or even thousands
of Fans ie Viewers - Flickr is a HUGE stratosphere & if yer NIPSA yer Photos + ART + Thoughts + Words + Chinese WISDOM aren't being Seen or Heard by the Masses + Outside World*

Flickr treats ARTISTS like shit - Shoddy 2nd Class 3rd World treatment that is reprehensible*

& it ain't just Yahoo! this has been Flickr from the TOP down*

They Love & thrive on KICKING People Out of Groups + Threatening to KILL (delete) People's Accounts without ANY TRIAL or ANY RECOURSE or telling U WHAT THE CHARGES ARE + WHO is CHARGING U so that U might be able to DEFEND YERSELF!!! fer fucksakes*

Their KANGAROO COURT is GITMO at it's Finest + frankly they oughtta Feel right at HOME in COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP CHINA where the PEOPLE have NO RIGHTS!!!*********************




Posted 10 hours ago. ( permalink )
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BillyWarhol Pro User says: name reply / icon reply





Seen on (?)
Posted 9 hours ago. ( permalink )
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jphotoshooter Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Maybe China made Jerry Yang, Co-founder and Chief Yahoo! an offer he could not refuse. You know, the Sopranos IS back on for it's 7th season!
Posted 8 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Gail Orenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Yes, it is called 1 billion people! a giant market!!
Posted 8 hours ago. ( permalink )
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MMMMichelle Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

wow...I haven't checked in in awhile. What's going on? Your pics are not hurting anyone or putting anyone in a compromising position....just positions we all wish we could still get into. Good luck with the flickr police...whoever they are. what a shame!!!
Posted 8 hours ago. ( permalink )
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jphotoshooter Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Even with 80%+ blissfully ignorant that their settings default to "safe" Yahoo still has too many holes in the dike and not enough fingers.

There is a 2-week backlog (or longer??) because Flickr Yahoo is trying to approve/censor every new account (that's new too!) and police the self-censorship scheme they've imposed.

I suppose they'll outsource the censorship task out to the Third World if they haven't done so already...
Posted 8 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Gail Orenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Hi Michelle-

Missed ya-glad you found me though!!

Hi jp-

Sorry, the back log is now 30 days. You have to wait a month to get an answer-you just get a auto response notice now-
They are up to 30 days for a review time-

That will only be a matter of time before it become 60 days!
Posted 7 hours ago. ( permalink )
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rhooker1236 says: name reply / icon reply

The filter system was a pretty clear effort to establish a framework for censorship to make this move possible.

Welcome to the Global Web 2.0, where your rights and your freedoms are a marketing features in large companies efforst to sell to China.
Posted 6 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Lola Lyndon ~ Cephalopodaphile! says: name reply / icon reply

Gale Orenstein says:

"Adding photos to PROTEST THE NEW COMMUNITY GUIDELINES has been disabled."

This was a forum that was set up when the filtering system came out-it was disabled because they saw the filtering system for what it is-not to " better the good of the flickr community"-but for profits, which is fine but lets just be honest about it-

That is not accurate.

The PROTEST group is my group and I disabled the pool myself. Our petition is specific to the threat of Flickr censorship as it concerns the written word.

I have been a consistent and passionate supporter of the filter alternative. I believe it to be far superior to the tar and feathering witchhunt that went on under NIPSA.

What I don't support is Guidelines which would prevent you from "ranting" about your views to the contrary.

Despite the fact that I don't agree with you-- I saw the way certain people threatened you (in front of Flickr admins) with insinuations that your account could be deleted for rocking the boat. I did not approve of that at all.

Ironically, less than a year ago, the suggestion of filters drew heavy criticism by many of the people that now credit themselves with the idea.

Anyway... I think we are all very clear on your objections to filters, Gail. The question remains: what are you proposing as a solution?
Posted 5 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Gail Orenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

A solution

The next photo sharing site, Flickr is just broken.
Posted 4 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Lola Lyndon ~ Cephalopodaphile! says: name reply / icon reply

Build it and they will come.
Posted 4 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Gail Orenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply


Perhaps and Open Source photo sharing site, one that charges so much for a pro account but will not sell to any compnay but owned co-operatively by its subscribers.

A club. No reason all the web needs to be a company.

The technology will be open source available in a year or so,. anyone have any ideas.

And we could have a proper constitution and bill of rights, and spent what effort we do administering actually following the law and not trying to make the thing more acceptable in China.

And if China, Russia, Inda and UAE block it we won't chagne it.

Oh its a fine dream, and maybe a few years around the corner.

Robert Hooker
Posted 4 hours ago. ( permalink )
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fisserman says: name reply / icon reply

Yahoo sucks... they will ake Flickr suck, Google sucks... Joost will suck... about time something came along that didn't suck.... :) How about all of us make that one?
Posted 4 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Gail Orenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Well firstly we need to know what technology base to use, an open source image swapping system. Maybe GNU has one, I don't know.

Than a independent corporation needs to be created, non-for profit of course, to provide as ISP. But the critical things is a simple clear constitution allowing freedom of expression while protecting people and respecting the law.

So neo-nazis and child pornographers would be gone, while artistic nudes would be fine, or just porn if you like.

Anyone know an Open Source image swapping program that's any good?

Robert Hooker
Posted 3 hours ago. ( permalink )
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tantrictim Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Hi, I'm an admin for a group called THE PEOPLE'S CAFE, and we'd love to have your photo added to the group.
where's the porn...i came here for the naked babes...i am sorely
Posted 3 hours ago. ( permalink )
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johncoxon Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

It is shit and that is the stuff that happens when big bunsess takes over something good and we have to stay honest and work around that . Flickr is a shit sandwich and I have no idea why I even bother opt be here or upload a shot as it is so f ******* underactive. Nice tits and tarts are very good , you are my best internet fried , I love and respect your work and you make a diem or two on the adult place. Flickr sold outh and that sucks. Let's talk and share even if it has to be e mail, MAN or Flickr mail as upfront doesn't work any more as the orginals who started this palace are now now whores.
Posted 86 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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grahmmaby says: name reply

It is time to get into Asian porn!
Posted 39 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

I received warning again today.

Threadthen to terminate or delete my account.

All the Hardworks for the last 2 years is gone.

I have been very loyal & ahered to the Term & Conditions of the Yahoo - flickr.

What "Frontal Nudity" is not allowed??. During my research on the Views rate on flickr - Yahoo. I found many accounts are actually exposed Genital Parts & also with Sexual Porn post.

If you examing my site, you would discovered that the whole truth of these friendly "Warning" & Advise.

It is certainly on a personal whim, on profiling, oppression, discrimination, dis-respect of individual customers.

The rights of Artists have been abuse & suppressed.

This clearly exhibited the high handed Power - Political play in between of Client - Customers relationship. It as well exhibited the traditional Imperialism & Religion "God" controls of the pre-demoncracies of this era.

USA constitutions & International Human rights are abused & oppressed by some!!

We put our resources & times, energy to support the members here. While not making any income for ourself , yet get all these bully & harassement.

Are we insane!!

What talking about pioneer of Web 2.0?? Image sharing ?? All these what we do are for the benefits of Yahoo - flickr. Yet these are what we deserving??

In the land of freedom & demoncracy, & while we are doing the law & constitutions of this great Nation. It still have the people or team could rise above it.

This is unbelievable!!
Posted 36 minutes ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
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CharlieBrown8989 Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

Talking about China.

As on Dec 31 2006, China net citizen already surpassed USA. Become number one in the world on internet.

I have been traveling China & talking to people on the "Have & Have Not" issues on Digital & internet. That includes all level .

To China Jerry Yang may be the founder of Yahoo, but it does not concern them as Jerry is from Taiwan & now believe is US citizen.

Whereas, Alibaba is the local brew corp. & If it is not supported by the China Gov back finance, then Alibaba cannot reverse took over Yahoo China.

Alibaba still is within the China Local Government & Laws or even the Charter that put them to be a giant corp.

China Gov more concern about the subversive anti-Government site then Artists site. As there is already a Government Admin together with the Central committees to govern the National Arts & non political movement as well as religions afairs.

The Government have all along against the Porn "Yellow - Grey Culture" from the Imperials Gov era till now.

However, Artistic Nudes of Nature & female have not been under any oppression or suppression.

My Late Guru from Shanghai was sent by Gov to France to learn all aspect of Arts. & he is a pioneer of Chinese Nudity Artist of the Modern time.

If you care to examing the Nudity arts in China.

The authenticated 10 most beautiful ladies of China each is trading over few 10millions in US$$$$.

What China Gov. censoring is any site that suspect with the subversive activities against the interest of their Nations & people republic, also the religious groups that with some ulterior motive to cause insergencies of their Nations. The other is the Pornographies articles.

Other then that Nudity Art is allowed, there was once I read the news coverage on the Nude body painting arts competitions in Nanking & Sichuan. which have over 1X,XXX people attended. there is no riots or unhappy incidents then.

Therefore, any actions as it show prove that is on the whim of certain people or the God of the System.

I sincerely hope that everyone can think more deep & far.

China would have their own censorship system without calling a USA base corp to help. After all that is their Nation.

Whatever happen here is still out Not China Concern.
Posted 12 minutes ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
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CharlieBrown8989 Pro User says: name reply / icon reply

I blogged this on


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