Tuesday, March 11, 2008

DongShan Island - Soon These Only Found On flickr!!

For this incident, I am calling our diplomat & EPA activists to serve notice to the President of China, for his attention & resolutions into this case.

I am also calling our President George W. Bush to have a word with President Hu JinDao on this issue immediately!!


DongShan Island - Soon These Only Found On flickr!!

I am very surprise on the respond on the issue of PX plant in Ku Riu which is 7KM away from DongShan.

Where is the men of Novell prize winners' for EPA??

Having doing lots of foot works & empty my pocket!! I am still a lone ranger in the Global Warming & EPA things.

I can only find a link on Times News. The news posted on the Chinese sites are all taken off!!

DongShan & Ku Riu is about 100km away from Taiwan, I wonder why the Taiwan & international EPA activists have not mounted any moment in supporting the Ku Riu & DongShan people who are suffering the suppression & oppression & those people that are wounded & jail by their government..etc.

As I have to go now.

I would continue the translation tomorrow.

You see even the locals who provide info to me are unable to contact.

I urge all the international EPA activists do something in support to the poor people there!!

The polluted sea & air would hit the whole world soon.

Remember, there is only one world!!


The Ku Riu island PX project is not a straight & simple after all. If the project is allow to goes on. the after maths effects would be far & deep!!

云霄 :31公里,诏安:45公里,东山:23公里,龙海:66公里, 漳州:70公里
平和:65公里 南靖:73公里,华安:119公里 海沧:77公里 厦门:81公里。




The following is the datas of Dongshan Incidents:

Ku Riu locality ( Distance in KM):

Yen Xiao 云霄 :31公里,

ChowAun 诏安:45公里,

Dongshan 东山:23公里,

LongHai 龙海:66公里,

ZhangZhou 漳州:70公里

PingHe 平和:65公里

NanChing 南靖:73公里,

HuaAun 华安:119公里

HaiChiang 海沧:77公里

Xiamen 厦门:81公里。

I believed FuZhou (the Provincial Gov) would like to see the stability of the society. However because of stability, now gov have censor all the public medias. If you call up the press, the reporters heard that is DongShan, then no one would stand up to visit & report about the incident!!

There were public using Digital Cameras to snap the scene; once found by the police or the security protocols, it would be confiscated immediately.

It seem that DongShan people have no avenue to bring up their request to. Some Dongshan using the news paper to clean up their tears & some even donate money for the demo convoys.

Wherever they marching to, there are people offering drinks; food to the convoys.

Within the demo convoys, there are all works of life old & young. Primary to High school students. There is a image showing that, one policeman was stopping the demo people, a old lady knee down to beg the police by saying:

Young man ; I am would not be living for long in my old age; what I am doing is for our Dongshan future generations!!

Another image shown that a young student about 7-8 years old pick up a damage PX news poster; patiently pasted on the wall!!

Because the PX project; Now the simple & honors DongShan people angry; upset ; hopeless as their home for over 2K years would be destroy by the PX pollutions. Their lifeline on fisheries; tourism would totally gone!! All the beauties of the Sunshine; Blue sky; Green mountains would be gone forever.

No one can guaranty that PX plant would not polluted the area; but the gov just said, managing PX plant is just like managing LPG tank at home!! Can you believe that??

Students stop going to school; business & commercial people stop operations. DongShan people & DongShan Island have not been so mess up & so united!!

Fujian province committee secretary general Mr Lu Chan Gong said during the Xiamen PX event that:

PX is a gigantic project; good for the Xiamen people , However, now the people against it, we respect peoples' decision therefore GOV would not do it in Xieman.

The above have proved that Xieman people are highly aware the danger of PX plant & the environment issues arises. That is a good thing. Why is that a good project which Xiamen peoples' don't want it & then the GOV is forcing Ku Riu & DongShan people to accept it??

The incidents is very critical conditions; what I am asking or requesting is the various level of GOV officials; medias; Green & Sustainability activists have to come to the front & help the DongShan People.

We don't want the high handed police & reserve units using guns & weapon to point at the DongShan people!!

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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